September 16, 2004

Closer to freedom...

Well, the week's almost over. Tomorrow the weekend will start, can't wait! LAst week has been most exhausting. At work I found out that some data had to be delivered to the supplier. An initial quick calculation showed that I wouldn't be able to produce the required info before the end of the month, as it would normally take a month, but surprsingly I managed to get most data togetehr in a day! Sometimes I'm even amazing myself!!! Though the work isn't finished yet, I have good hopes of rounding off my tasks before I go on holiday.

Ahh, sweet holiday... Just a bit more than a week and I'll be off to Shanghai. 2 weeks of nice food, and sightseeing. I can't wait!!! I still need to sort out some stuff this weekend though.

I managed to sell one of my guitars last tuesday. The guy came round to buy a Les Paul for his 11 year old son. He himself plays quite well, so he knew his stuff. He tried it out and I think it was actually adequate. Then he saw my other guitar, which I was also selling, and he tried that, just for fun. And he was sold immediately. He loved that guitar, and rightly so! I was actually quite sad to sell it as I loved that guitar as well. I was hoping I could sell the Les Paul, but in the end he paid more for the Yamaha (not a standard one, but custom made!). Though I shouldn't complain, I do miss it. I don't play very often, but that guitar was sweeeet... I liked it way better than teh Les Paul. Well, in the end it was just more practical. I mean, I will need the money and I can't take it with me when I want to move to Shanghai. I have a lot of junk to get rid of, so I should just let it go I guess. After all, to me it is more important to go to Shanghai than to keep a guitar I hardly play...

Soon I will try to post some pics, but first I have to figure out how to go about that best...

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